Our team of skilled technicians fabricate unmatched metal-based and all-ceramic restorations in our Maine-based dental laboratory. We offer highly esthetic crowns and bridges to fulfill anterior cases of varying difficulty. We are dedicated to crafting high-quality restorations out of the best materials available to ensure longevity and esthetics. We also offer veneers and PMMA provisionals.
PMMA Provisional
When your patients require a temporary restorative solution, our PMMA Provisionals offer durability and esthetics. Milled out of a dense block of PMMA, these restorations provide natural esthetics thanks to the material’s translucency. Available in 16 VITA® classical and bleached shades in both monocolor and multilayer options.
- Bridges
- Full arches
- Crowns
- Complex cases, including multi-unit situations
Bruxism and parafunction, Pathology of bite, more than 50% of enamel affected by pathology
Tech Notes
For facial reduction three wheel diamond depth cutter should be used for orientation grooves. For proximal reduction - round end tapered diamond bur is used as an extension for facial reduction.